Seeker 4,
It was meant to be silly in order to make the point.
I was just trying to make the point that for someone who is a JW getting involved with a school around here you would have to be open to many religious participations because of the many Church of England and Catholic schools that there are. The state run ones also have coordination with the local Cof E vicar.
During my time spent on the local church council a few years ago it was our local Cof E priest who requested volunteers for the local school board of governers.If a JW attended a governers meeting he would be asking to be excused more times than he participated.
Think of all the times he would have to vote on whether to hold a charity fund raising event and be expected to attend extra curricular activity.J.dubs won't even socialise, most of the time , over a cup of coffee if you are not in the truth.
If you could get a show of hands at the Kingdom Hall ask how many would be prepared to volunteer for school duties then see how many raise and how many would look horrified.
If the big brothers in Brooklyn didn't come up with the doctrine of seperation from the world we wouldn't even be having this debate.